
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do i have to pay the custom fees? I’m new on this community, I’m from Italy and I’d like to begin with a good mod, have you got any recommendations? Thanks in advice.
    Each country has its own rules about customs fee. Please check your customs fees with your local post office. But usually if you buy under $100 no fee applies.
    Start with any of these: Ivan mod, waterfall mod, panda mod, rsvp msxa, spinpro, buster cyl.
  2. Do i get a verification/information email after i bought something?
    Sure. You will get email notification. So be sure to put an e-mail that you actually use.
  3. How much is Domestic Shipping?
    It’s about $2.5 if you live in Kazakhstan or currently here.
  4. I ordered 1 Pen to be shipped to United States with standard shipping, how long would that usually take?
    Usually you get your package in 10-30 business days. The closer you to Kazakhstan the sooner you’ll get it. For example customers from European countries get packages in 10-20 days, however countries like Brazil, Mexico, etc. can take up to 30 business days

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